euROBIN - European ROBotics and AI Network
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- Funding:
EU H2020 Project
- Startdate:
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euROBIN is the Network of Excellence that brings together European expertise on Robotics and AI. It establishes a unified pan-European platform for research and development. For the first time, a large number of distinguished research labs across Europe are jointly researching AI-Based Robotics. Goals include both significant scientific advances on core questions of AI-based robotics as well as strengthening the scientific robotics community in Europe by providing an integrative community platform. The network is open to the entire robotics community and provides mechanisms of cascade funding to double its number of members over the next years.
euROBIN comprises 31 partners across 14 countries. It is coordinated by the Institute of Robotics of Mechatronics of the German Aerospace Center and includes the highest-profile research institutions as well as outstanding industrial partners across sectors. The network was awarded 12.5 Million Euros by the EU and Switzerland in total and launched on July 1st, 2022.
H²T is contributing to the application domain “personal robotics” and science domain “robot learning” with the goal of developing assistive humanoid robots with advanced abilities to perform tasks in human-centered environments while learning from humans and interaction with the world with special focus on the transferability of skills to different robots.