Welcome to H²T

The Chair of High Performance Humanoid Technologies (H²T) at the Institute for Anthropomatics and Robotics researches and develops humanoid robot technologies and systems that perform versatile tasks in the real world in interaction with humans.  The research focuses on the mechano-informatics of humanoid robots, visual and haptic grasping and mobile manipulation, learning from human observation, modeling and analysis of human movements, active vision and haptic touch, as well as software and hardware architectures and system integration.

The H²T is headed by Professor Tamim Asfour, who has led the Humanoid Robot Research Group at the Humanoids and Intelligence Systems Lab (HIS) since 2003 and has been developing the ARMAR family of humanoid robots since 1998.



Information about our research focus, our robots and our partners


Information about our lectures, theses and student activities



Der humanoide Roboter ARMAR-7 übergibt einem Mann einen Tetrapack Milch
Real:labor Festival at H²T

What is real-world laboratory research, how can it change city life and how can you get involved?

We explored these questions at the Real:lab Festival from 2 to 6 July 2024.

The Real:lab Festival brought together numerous contributions from real-world lab researchers at KIT. KIT real-world laboratories with different focal points offered the opportunity to get to know each other and exchange ideas with other researchers and practitioners.


InformatiKOM 1 opened its doors on Saturday, 6 July 2024. From 14:00 - 18:00, visitors were able to experience research on robotic artificial intelligence up close.

Further information and program
Der humanoide Roboter ARMAR-6 unterstützt bei WartungsarbeitenAmadeus Bramsiepe, KIT
Joining Forces In AI Research

KIT has joined the Cyber Valley Innovation Campus, Europe's largest and leading center for artificial intelligence (AI) and modern robotics.


This was announced on June 21, 2024 at the opening of the ELLIS Institute in Tübingen, a Cyber Valley flagship project to strengthen the network between top AI researchers from all over Europe.

To the press release (only German)
RIG_Ministerin_202406BMBF/Hans-Joachim Rickel
KIT partner at Robotics Institute Germany

The Robotics Institute Germany (RIG), jointly established by Germany’s leading robotics centers, is to become the central contact point for robotics in Germany. The goal of RIG is  to strengthen Germany's global competitiveness and technological sovereignty in AI-based robotics. The initial conditions are favorable: Germany’s roboticists are among the global leaders in AI-based robotics and have made significant contributions to the international robotics landscape. "However, Germany has so far lacked a strategic approach that bundles the existing potential and utilizes synergies to secure Germany's long-term competitiveness and promote excellence and economic growth. We will establish the RIG as a nationally recognized and internationally unique institute that shapes cutting-edge research, education and innovation in AI-based robotics and aligns it with Germany's needs," explains RIG spokesperson Prof. Tamim Asfour from the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).

To the press release (only German)
Der humanoide Roboter ARMAR-7 gibt einem menschen die HandCarl Zeiss AG
ZEISS Image Film highlights our work on AI-based Assistive Robotics

Our work on AI-based assistive robot technologies within the JuBot project, funded by the Carl Zeiss Stiftung has been shown as part of the ZEISS image film. The video shows the new generation of our humanoid robots, ARMAR-7, which has been developed to provide support to elderly in everyday activities and contribute to a longer self-determined life in old age.

Further information
Der humanoide Roboter ARMAR-7 steht neben Besuchern des H2T und einem Mitarbeiter des Lehrstuhls
Campusday at H²T

As part of the Campusday at KIT on June 8, 2024 H²T again offered from 10:00 - 15:00 at the InformatiKOM 1 Building 50.19 insight into its High Performance Humanoid Technologies research and teaching at the Institute of Anthropomatics and Robotics. Visitors can experience how ARMAR-6 performs maintenance tasks with a technician, how ARMAR-7 helps with daily tasks in the kitchen, or admire exoskeletons and hand prostheses that actively support the wearer in moving, grasping, and lifting through machine learning and highly sophisticated sensors.

To the KIT Campusday program
Ein Mitarbeiter arbeitet mit dem humanoiden Roboter ARMAR-6
Bunte Nacht der Digitalisierung at the InformatiKOM

H²T opened its doors on June 7, 2024 from 16:00 - 21:00 and offered an insight into its current research.
Visitors were able to get an idea of the research on artificial intelligence and robotics. They got to know humanoid robots of the ARMAR family, prostheses and exoskeletons that support people in everyday life and at work.

Weitere Informationen
Portrait Noémie Jaquier und Logo Heidelberger Akademie der WissenschaftenHeidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Dr. Noémie Jaquier, postdoctoral researcher at H²T, awarded with Hector Stiftung-Preis by the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften

This prize, sponsored by the Hector Foundation, recognizes outstanding scientific achievements by young researchers in the field of computer science.

Noémie's research focuses on developing robots with human-like learning, adaptation, and movement capabilities. Her research not only highlights the advantages of geometric methods in robotics but also opens a wide range of novel research direction by doing so. This paves the way for a new generation of intelligent robots.

We are incredibly proud of Noémie's achievement and excited to see the future impact of her work!

Further information
Schülerinnen erleben beim Girls' Day was der humanoide Roboter ARMAR-6 kann
Girl's Day @ H²T

Am Girls' Day am 25. April 2024 konnten wir wieder rund 30 Schülerinnen ab der 5. Klasse am H²T begrüßen. Der bundesweite „Mädchen-Zukunftstag" bietet den Teilnehmerinnen im Rahmen verschiedener Vorträge und Workshops Einblick in die Arbeitsfelder und Aufgaben in MINT-Fächern am KIT. Bei einer Vorstellung unserer Forschung und anschließenden Laborführung zeigten die Schülerinnen großes Interesse und Begeisterung für die Robotik.

Zur Nachlese des Girls' Day 2024
Professor Toussaint der TU Berlin hält einen Vortrag
KCIST Colloquium:
Planning in the Age of Learning - for Robotic Task and Motion Planning

Marc Toussaint, Professor for Intelligent Systems at TU Berlin, gave a talk on "Planning in the Age of Learning -- for Robotic Task and Motion Planning" on Thursday, April 04, 2024 at 14:00 in the Atrium of Building 50.19. His research combines Planning, Optimization, Inference, and Machine Learning (ML) to tackle fundamental problems in Robotics and Physical Reasoning. As board member of CoRL and R:SS he is actively supporting the international community in the intersection of Robotics, AI and ML.

Further information
Jugendliche in einem Labor arbeiten an kleinen humanoiden Robotern
BOGY Internships at H²T

Once again there will be BOGY internships at H²T this year, for which we are excited to announce the date:
From April 22 - 26, 2024 the research group of Professor Asfour will offer internships (German: Berufs- und Studienorientierung an Gymnasien) for groups of school students in the field of robotics.

A cooperation between the H²T and the KIT Center Information · Systems · Technologies (KCIST) and part of the real-world lab "Robotic Artificial Intelligence".

Further information and application
Abschlussrennen LEGO 2024
Final race of the Lego-Mindstorms practical course

The final race was the highlight of our current practical course at H²T, where participants demonstrated their skills and creativity in robot programming and construction. This event in the foyer of InformatiKOM 1 was also the first teaching course in the new building. The race ended with an award ceremony for the fastest three teams - congratulations to the winners!

Ein humanoider Roboter hält Blumen in der Hand, im Hintergrund ist die Karlsruher Pyramide in futuristischem Design zu sehen
Retrospect: Theme Week "Karlsruhe – Robot Capital?!"

How do we want to "live together" with robots?
Can robots help us in caring for people?
What kind of robots do we want?
These questions were the focus of a theme week for citizens, organized by ITAS (Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis) from November 21 to 25, 2023.


A summary of the workshop results as well as a presentation of the interactive exhibition can be found on the website under the following link.


Further information
Der humanoide Roboter ARMAR winkt den Besucherinnen und Besuchern des H²T zu
Open House @ H²T

As part of the European Robotics Week 2023, H²T will open its doors to visitors on Friday, November 17, 2023, from 13:00 to 17:00. Our open house will allow visitors to experience first hand the research of robotic AI through demonstrations of the humanoid ARMAR robots.

With the help of artificial intelligence, the robots of the ARMAR family are able to learn from humans and interact with people in natural language. The lab tour provides an insight into how robots will be able to support us in the future in our everyday lives. You will also have the opportunity to interact with one of the humanoid ARMAR robots yourself.

Further information
Workshop: Assistive Robotics for Citizens

We have organized the workshop „Assistive Robotics for Citizens“ on the IROS 2023 in Detroit, USA together with researchers from Japan, Australia and France. The workshop discussed the development of assistive robots for all areas of social life, as for example caregiving, household chores and the support and augmentation of humans in work, sports and leisure. Further information on the workshop and the keynote and spotlight talks can be found on the workshop website.

To the workshop website
Herr Professor Spetzger wird der Verdienstorden von Ministerpräsident Kretschmann überreichtUli Regenscheit Fotografie
Professor Spetzger receives Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg

We are proud to announce, that our dear colleague, Honorary Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c.  Uwe Spetzger has been awarded with the Order of Merit of the State of Baden-Württemberg by Minister President Winfried Kretschmann for his efforts during the COVID pandemic. On this occasion Minister Kretschmann pointed out, that the core of Professor Spetzger’s tireless commitment in research and in everyday clinical practice is the humanitarian obligation of a medical doctor to place his life in the service of humanity.

We congratulate Professor Spetzger for this great honor.

Further information
Der Humanoide Roboter ARMAR III überreicht einem Jungen einen Gegenstand
Campus Day @ H²T

On the KIT Campus Day on May 13, 2023, H²T opened the doors of the lab to welcome many guests, in particular those interested in studying at KIT. More than 150 people visited the lab to learn about our research on assistive and collaborative humanoid robots, exoskeletons and prostheses. Visitors had the opportunity to watch live robot demos and discuss topics like research on robotics AI as well as study opportunities at KIT with our staff.   

Ein Techniker demonstriert die Arbeit mit dem humanoiden Roboter ARMAR-7 für eine Gruppe Mädchen
Girls'Day 2023 at H²T

On Girls'Day 2023, about 30 schoolgirls from grades 5 and higher visited H²T. The nationwide "Girls' Future Day" took place in person for the first time since 2019. During the presentation of our research and subsequent lab tour, the schoolgirls showed great interest and enthusiasm for robotics.

Further information
Award Noemie JaquierBMBF / Christina Czybik.
our postdoctoral researcher DSc Noémie Jaquier has won this year's AI Newcomer Award in the Technical and Engineering Sciences category

Noémie’s research brings a novel perspective to robot learning, optimization, and control. She was granted this year’s award as part of the KI-Camp supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the German Informatics Society. Noémie's innovative ideas and research contributions on geometric methods for robot learning have been invaluable to our team and we are proud to have her as a member of our research group.

Recordings of the "International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR 2022)" online

The recordings are available at:

The Conference Proceedings are available at:

Tamim Asfour beim Interview neben ihm der humanoide Roboter ARMAR-6Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst BW
Artificial Intelligence in Baden-Württemberg – a film by the Ministry of Science

The MWK (Ministry of Science, Research and Art) has published a video clip which showcases AI research in Baden-Württemberg. H²T is represented within the video with its research on humanoid robotics and robotics AI.

To the video
Wissenschaftsministerin Petra Olschowski und Tamim Asfour
Inaugural Visit of Minister Petra Olschowski at KIT

Humanoid robotics, artificial intelligence or learning from humans: Petra Olschowski, Minister of Science, Research, and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, visited the H²T laboratories on February 20, 2023, to learn more about these and many other research topics. After an introduction by KIT President Professor Holger Hanselka, Professor Tamim Asfour and his team gave a vivid and practice-oriented demonstration of the potential of humanoid robotics for humans as well as society in general.

To the press release
Workshop Iros 2023 Riemann and Gauss meet Asimov: A tutorial on Geometric methods in robot learning, optimization, and control
Recordings of the Workshops "Riemann and Gauss meet Asimov: A tutorial on Geometric methods in robot learning, optimization, and control" online

The workshop is publicly available on Youtube.

von l. nach r. Dr. Jens Brandenburg,  Alena Trauschel, Holger Hanselka, Dr. Christian Jung, ARMAR-3, Tamim AsfourRoman Maidl (KIT)
Visit of Dr. Jens Brandenburg, Dr. Christian Jung and Alena Trauschel

On December 6, 2022, Dr. Jens Brandenburg (Member of the Bundestag and Parliamentary State Secretary at the Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)) and the Landtagsabgeordneten Dr. Christian Jung and Alena Trauschel were guests at H²T. They were accompanied by KIT President Professor Holger Hanselka and Vice Presidents Professor Oliver Kraft and Professor Alexander Wanner. During the lab tour, the guests were able to learn first-hand from Professor Tamim Asfour and the H²T team about the progress being made in research in the field of humanoid robotics and robotic artificial intelligence.

News Archive

You can find further news about our institute in our archive.