Robotics II: Humanoid Robotics


The lecture presents current work in the field of humanoid robotics that deals with the implementation of complex sensorimotor and cognitive abilities. In the individual topics different methods and algorithms, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the current state of research are discussed.

The topics addressed are: Applications and real world examples of humanoid robots; biomechanical models of the human body, biologically inspired and data-driven methods of grasping, imitation learning and programming by demonstration; semantic representations of sensorimotor experience as well as cognitive software architectures of humanoid robots.

Learning Objectives:

The students have an overview of current research topics in autonomous learning robot systems using the example of humanoid robotics. They are able to classify and evaluate current developments in the field of cognitive humanoid robotics.

The students know the essential problems of humanoid robotics and are able to develop solutions on the basis of existing research.

Language of instructionEnglish

Weiterführende Literatur

Wissenschaftliche Veröffentlichungen zum Thema, werden auf der VL-Website bereitgestellt.

Organisational issues

Die Erfolgskontrolle erfolgt in Form einer schriftlichen Prüfung im Umfang von i.d.R. 60 Minuten nach § 4 Abs. 2 Nr. 1 SPO.

Arbeitsaufwand: 90 h

Empfehlungen: Der Besuch der Vorlesungen Robotik I – Einführung in die Robotik und Mechano-Informatik in der Robotik wird empfohlen

Zielgruppe: Modul für Master Informatik, Master Maschinenbau, Mechatronik und Informationstechnik, Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik